Topic of the Week - Nest boxes

Nest boxes, those carefully designed coop essentials where we're all hoping our laying ladies would deposit the rent. (Note: hoping) This week I would like to hear you all's thoughts on all things "nest boxes"... Specifically:

- What do you use for nest boxes?
- What bedding materials do you use in your nest boxes?
- Maintaining your nest boxes. (Cleaning, pest control, etc)
- Managing broody hen(s) in the nest box.
- How do you make your nest boxes attractive for the hens? (I.e. encourage them to use the boxes, instead of dropping their eggs all over the yard)
- How do you discourage your hens from sleeping in the nest boxes?

Anything you'd like to add?

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Pic by @zazouse

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We built our coop with a nest box. I can open the nest box from the outside to collect eggs. I cut a fun clearance curtain to use as nest box curtain. I only used the gray nest box mats until in December 2021 I added the movable wood shavings on brown paper more for insulation during the extreme cold. We added 2 plastic nest boxes 2 weeks ago with the same nesting materials but nobody wants any part of using them! 🤣 I have nest box dried flowers & herbs but I don't think they make any difference. When I have a broody, she goes into the broody breaker in the garage. (Large wired dog crate on the concrete floor with lights on 24 hours a day) Usually they are broken in 3 days but no more than 6 days.
My hens don't seem to like where I put my boxes. Do you think they feel safer if they face the doorway? Also curious since I have big girls, orpington should I put the box low to the floor?
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My hens don't seem to like where I put my boxes. Do you think they feel safer if they face the doorway? Also curious since I have big girls, orpington should I put the box low to the floor?
@chicken1234 Would be best to start a new thread with your question along with details about your flock and pics of your coop and nests.
My husband built the nesting boxes based off of pics we found on byc. They're about a foot off of the ground and my roosts are 18 inches off of the ground. I have large hens and no roos. I have 6 boxes total.

The only time I've covered the boxes was at nighttime until my pullets were used to using the roosts.

I use those aspen nesting pads with loose straw on top. I've had maybe 2 cracked eggs and no egg eating that I know of. I've only found poop twice in a box.

I did attempt to put one of the sets of 3 boxes outside due to the extreme heat in the coop during the day. They would have nothing to do with it. They like the routine even if it's over 100 in the coop. I still get 6-7 eggs a day from my 8 laying hens even in this heat.
I use boxes in this shape. They seem to be fine with it.
My Standard hens have stacked wood nest boxes (2 long rectangles sectioned into 5 boxes each), but they only use a few of them. The Seramas have 5-gallon (placed on their sides) buckets on the floor of their building. The openings are facing into the corners (2-3 hens will attempt to pile in to 2 favorite buckets).
I use wood chips for bedding (sometimes a little alfalfa mixed in for the hens to arrange). At cleaning time, I scoop out old bedding, sprinkle DE, and add fresh wood chips and mint. When I let them brood, I make sure they have privacy curtains around the brooding box. I candle eggs and dispose of any infertile ones after a week. I usually candle twice during incubation. Close to hatch day, I move the hens and eggs to a “maternity room” where they won’t be bothered by the rest of the flock. If I don’t want them to go broody, I block off their chosen nest box until the broodiness subsides. They’re generally pretty determined about using their few favorite nest boxes. They’ll only use another box if their favorite one’s occupied. As far as sleeping in the nest boxes goes, the hens generally prefer to all roost together on their favorite roosts.
My new hens keep laying on the coop floor. I need to upgrade my nest boxes ! We have four and only two hens are laying (new to me hens and my first layers as my others are young)

Cleaned up a smashed egg yesterday. So I think I’m going to clean out the coop floor and do just shavings and a mix of shavings and straw in the boxes with nesting herbs. They seem to like making a nest out of the straw. So maybe this will discourage. I will find some golf balls to put in. I quickly grabbed a pink Easter egg and rock today to see if it helped but it didn’t lol. Also interested in seeing how to set up the curtains. My 10 week olds are sleeping in one nest box but mainly I think to hide from the new hens
We are using cat litter buckets. All off the ground but with a front rail for ez access. The roost bars allow them to hop up and down no issue. Drilled a bunch of holes in the buckets for ventilation as well as adding 2 solar fans over the nests. Florida summer is hot. Started with 3 nests and just added 2 more as they were doubling up in the buckets. Using hay in the buckets and shavings on the floor. Had to add a tarp to block the sun. East side of the coop all machine cloth for ventilation but it was too hot. I think I will just tarp from the exterior top of the coop and go down at a 45 degree angle (block the sun but increase the ventilation) but I’ll be waiting to see how the fall winter is before I commit.

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