Totally constipated pullet and what I did to help.


Oct 23, 2020
Pikeville, Tennessee
I had a totally constipated and inpacted 6 week old chicken. Her vent was painfully extended and she was chirping the pain chirp. I poured over the emergency forums and couldn't find exactly what to do for her Her rear looked rough. It was right after I had moved 10 pullets from the brooder to the pullet coop. And what was coming out of her looked like sawdust or undigested chick feed. So I just used my MOM sense and reasoned that I had to get her vent clear. So I spent the day with many bowls of warm water giving her sit-spats. She pushed and I swooshed. (just what I had planned to do that day). And it worked. So I am writing this to tell you of my success. I still don't know why this happened but my solution worked. Goldie (Golden Comet) and I are best friends now. Chickens have long

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