Totally Truthful Breedersj

shady breeders

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Regardless to what you believe, these things do happen. Every day. Especially on the internet, you dont know who is feeding you a line just to have money in their pockets, even more so with todays economy. How many times on this site alone has there been someone reported for using pictures of birds that dont belong to them? That has actually happened to me. :) I know of a couple cases where people were asking for eggs to hatch for the kids of the local 4-H group(s) and instead of doing so, they hatched what they could and tryed to sale the birds. I dont know about you, but to me that is being "shady" and unethical. It does happen.

I believe that you will find shady people under probably every rock in our great country, but I also believe that you can get so sceptical of everyone that you will miss out on the people that could be a blessing to you. That is the true tragedy here. The world has gotten so morally distraught that we are afraid to believe that someone or anyone wishes to do us no harm and maybe they want to help us and not rip us off. As for using someones picture off the internet. I did this one time. I did'nt know that I was doing anything wrong. I just found a chicken that looked like mine and used it. I needed a picture that day and it had been raining and well as you know my chickens like everyone elses look a hot mess in the rain. I didn't know that I had crossed any lines until I saw someone get mad about another person using their picture. Now that I know that it bothers some I would never do that again. I would hate it if I had been solely judged by that incident because I am a very honest person. I would give you the shirt off my back if I thought you needed it. All I'm saying is some of your best friends could come out of misunderstood situations. Even though there are alot of shady people out there, I still choose to believe that there are far more good.
As others have said, very unrealistic expectations. If I sold chicks straight run, for the past 2 months nearly everyone would have gotten all roosters, as Ive been very heavy on roosters with my recent hatches. There are very very few breeds that can be sexed early on, even by experience chicken folk. You purchased straight run, you got exactly what you purchased. Next time instead of blaming someone else, purchase exactly what you want, even if it means paying a bit more.
I agree with the other posts. I hatch and sell chicks too. Some of my chicks are sex links which means they can be sexed at the time of hatch by their color or markings. I also have breeds that can't be sexed until they are a few weeks old. Most people want pullets but hatches can vary as others have said 50/50 to around 75/25 either way. When I have chicks I can't sex I let the buyers pick the ones they want and let them know that they are straight run and there is a good chance the chicks could be males. There are places such as My Pet Chicken where you can order as few a 3 chicks. Most of the hatcheries have a 90% guarantee. I have ordered from hatcheries in the past and ordered all pullets and still got a cockerel and there have been times when I got all pullets.
YOU PEOPLE ARE MISSING THE POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I got straightrun which is maybe male maybe female not saying that people,and price was never an issue I went there to but pullets she didn't have any just straight run so took the risk.I'm just wondering if curtain breeders could know a little more then they lead on because after talking to her I went back a week later to pick up another pullet now that she is starting to crow??????SOME PULLET
Sure. you wanna know if there are some untrustworthy characters in the world? Well, I think we all know the answer to that.

But if you want someone to co-sign on to a character assasination of someone we don't know (and we are very uncertain with the info you provided that she is at fault) then I don't think you will get much support.

I think it's just as likely that she knows less than she lets on and shouldn't be offering to "help" you pick a pullet, even if she really is trying to be helpful.

If you question her honesty, well, easy answer, just don't buy from her again.
I guess you are right WE ARE MISSING THE POINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is it? You went to get pullets and she only had straight run so you took a chance and got straight run chicks and probably a lot of males. Apparently the woman really didn't have a clue on if they were males or females and led you to believe even with straight run that she could pick out some for you that would be pullets but turned out to be cockerels. The chicks should be about the age to start showing if they are males or females since your first post is almost 2 weeks old and in your post you said the chicks were two weeks old so they should be close to a month old now and sometimes you can tell by the combs and wattles start showing more on the males than on the females. How old is the one that has started to crow? Also do you have pics you can post of them?
I sell extra chicks straight run also and the buyers always say 'can you give me all pullets'. Nope! You get what you get and I tell them that. If they are a bit older (4-5 weeks), I try for 1/2 and 1/2 if at all possible and they know that (and the price will reflect it). Keep in mind these are 'extra chicks' and I am certainly no professional breeder. I find it easier to say on the CL ad 'you WILL get roosters unless I am extra lucky and hatched all girls'. :p
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Sure. you wanna know if there are some untrustworthy characters in the world? Well, I think we all know the answer to that.

But if you want someone to co-sign on to a character assasination of someone we don't know (and we are very uncertain with the info you provided that she is at fault) then I don't think you will get much support.

I think it's just as likely that she knows less than she lets on and shouldn't be offering to "help" you pick a pullet, even if she really is trying to be helpful.

If you question her honesty, well, easy answer, just don't buy from her again.
2x You get what you paid for, simple as that.

If you want all pullets, order from the hatchery or pay a bit more for a pullet. I am sure there are other breeders than her that has chicks. I see this all time, people go local and was disappointed because it was not what they expected.
It's entirely possible she didn't know. I had a crusty old guy come by who had supposedly raised silkies for years and wanted to buy all of my 10 week old silkies. As most folks know, silkies are very hard to sex that young, but I was pretty positive I had more than a few roosters in there and told him that. He pronounced that they were all 100% girls and took them away. Wish I had his email, I'd be curious to know how many males he really got. =)

Sold another group of ALL 100% positive young roos to a guy (and told him they were all roosters) and he proceeded to tell me that he had been raising chickens for 20 years and these were all girls. Big red combs, saddle feathers and all. Some were even crowing. /shrug.

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