Townline Hatchery

They supply the TSC stores in our area, as they are about 40 miles away. I bought some Townline chicks at TSC when I got my first chicks. They are hatchery chicks, so don't look for anything show worthy. Mine were healthy. The sexed pullets were pullets, the straight run were all cockerels.

I have no idea if their shipped chicks fare well or not.
I have bought their chicks at TSC occasionally (not within the last two years) and they were healthy, mostly nice birds, definitely 'hatchery grade' birds. Mostly good laying hens, smaller than standard. And not always the sex listed on the bins at TSC. Their EES have been fine, and sometimes they do have Belgian d'Uccles.
I've actually NEVER ordered chicks from them though.
Sorry, too tired to make sense last night!
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