Toys, Obstacles, playthings for run?

I have a long eye bolt (with washer and nut) attached to a string so I can hang cabbages, chicken carcusses, zuccuni etc. I have it just out of their reach so they have to jump to get some. It makes the cabbages last longer and keeps them entertained. I also have a big rock and some tree branches for them to perch on. You can see it on my BYC page.
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Great ideas, I especially like the hazel saplings one. Very clever. Other "busy work" things to occupy the birds can include squashes to peck at, cabbages, flock blocks (store bought or home made). In the summer heat you can freeze some seed and safe sprouts for them into a block of ice and let them stand around it pecking at the goodies in the ice. it'll help them stay cooled down and give them awhile of entertainment.
From what I've read on here, roosters and mirrored objects don't always mix well. The rooster can sometimes attack the mirror thinking that it's another rooster. I'm not too sure about the hens though. Guineas like mirrors, but I'd be weary of them breaking it.
Hmmm what a great question
! i know all pet birds ( cockatiels , lovebirds, parakeets , macaws etc) love mirrors so i would imagine chicken would too

lol i can picture a handsome roo fighting his reflection

although they are kinda smart so how long will it keep the interested ?- they do love windows in their coop

another idea is one of those roll around treat dispensing dog toys , as long as they see a mealworm roll out if they just might keep it going for hours

now i have to bring a mirror out to see if they wanna check themselves out lol
Our mirror was broken in the last storm - wind knocked it over. I never saw the chickens, hens or roos interested in it. The guineas loved it and would stand and talk to themselves and peck at it.

Love the ideas, I think my chickens need a tent!
My mom loves feeding the wild birds, so I mounted a hanging feeder on the new picket fence just a few feet over a retaining wall in the chicken side of the garden. The birds visit the feeder and spill a few seeds that land below.

The chickens spend a good part of their day checking to see if the birds have spilled any seeds. I had to put some bricks down around the plants cause the chickens were having so much fun kicking. We had 5 feather butts in the air today looking.

I know not everyone wants to feed the wild birds by their chickens for good reason, but mom is 87 and if she wants to feed them I am going to help her. One nice thing, I don't have to worry about rats getting spilled seeds!

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