Toys? (Pictures)


9 Years
Feb 28, 2010
N/E of Richmond, VA
So, we just picked up our first five chicks last night and they are in my garden tub brooder with a light, food, and water. They are running around pecking at things and just look like they need something to play with. Can I give them something to peck at and push around or something?

Our babies are Delewares:


This one is my personal favorite:


The rest don't have much in the way of markings yet except for some black and white feathers beginning to peak out on their wing tips.
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Sure. And jump up on, and jump off of, and look at themselves in, and cuddle up to (an old sock tied in a knot?), and pretend to perch on -- anything you can think of.
I have a couple of stuffed toys in mine and they love them!
I try not to use anything with terrycloth because I worry about them pecking the threads loose. But they climb all over the toys, peck at them, play king of the hill, sleep on them! I also took som short strips of corrugated cardboard and rolled them up an dput them in there. They love to peck at the edges but they can't pull anything off, they just kind of push it around,but it seems to entertain them
I gave mine a toilet paper tube and a miniature decorative colander. They seem to be enjoying those. I asked my husband to pick up some bird toys like bells and mirrors on the way home, but he says they don't need that stuff. I don't think he will be getting them.

Must scour the house for more toys!
Toys aren't weird at all. They need something to stimulate them and keep them busy or they'll bug each other. They like to learn to be big girls and boys and jump up on things, try to fly, look at shiny things, I put some flat large colored glass marbles in the bottom in places so they can peck around at the bedding and find them. They seem to like that. I also put a couple of cat balls with bells in the middle. I put a few small scrap blocks of wood in to stand on jump around on. I never thought about anything soft but I'm going to hunt around for something to put in there for them that's a great idea.

My friend told me to only add one new thing at a time so it isn't overwhelming.
K, can't help it, you have to see these:

They were interested in the mini colander,


and peeked into the little pan,


and even checked out the thermometer,


which rocks when they climb on it,


but this bread pan was the big hit! It makes a nifty sound when they peck at it and climbing on it is a challenge, sending quick jumpers sliding right off the other side, which is pretty hilarious.


They also participate in synchronized preening.


Playing with this stuff is tiring!



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