traveling across country with chickens


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 1, 2011
I had no idea what forum to post this under as I'm sure this issue does not come up very much.
I have 5 chickens of various breeds (4 bantams and one unexpected generic brown full size hen- as an aside, she layed an 85g egg today!) and will need to move across country in the summer. I was probably only going to move three of them and re-home 2 as I can't imagine 5 chickens in the back of my suv along with a dog and two kids. Has anyone moved chickens long distance before? My Mom thinks me nuts to even consider moving them, she thinks I should find a new home for all of them. I was hoping for some opinions. Would the stress be too great and risky for them to take them by car or flying (I don't even know if you can transport chickens by air- anyone know?), or would it be better to leave them here.
My son is particularly attatched to the girls, and we have had ALOT of horrible loss in our lives recently and the thought of either stressing the birds out too much and inadvertanly killing them or leaving them behind is something I need to start thinking about now.
Any thoughts people have would be appreciated.
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
If you have a large plastic crate I'd say go for it. Start teaching them now to drink from a water bottle, I'd get corn cob beeding for the bottom of the crate and I'd get a veterinary health certificate just in case. You didn't say how long the drive will be, as long as they don't get too hot/cold I'm thinking you'll be fine.
Good luck.
Hmmm..good question. But if they can send chickens via USPS then maybe you can. In a box with a wire top maybe? that way they cant see too much of whats goin on? just have a water bottle for them to drink from and some food, lots of shavings etc. I personally would feel better if they were with me on the trip and not left in the hands of airline personel.
Couldn't be as bad as when I went to vacation to N.C. and came back to Fl. with a biddy (little one) on my lap the whole trip. And he pipped the whole way. I'll never forget that vacation.

Really it can be done with plenty of food and water and clean bedding, and alot of patience.
It can be done, so long as you do not get caught. If you get pulled over for speeding or ANYTHING with ANY animal in the car that does not have a veterinarian's certification of health, they'll take the animal(s) and you will have to pay fines for transporting livestock across state lines without the appropriate certification. We had to do that with our cats and dogs when we moved across country. Not everybody does it, but my DH drives fast & the possibility of us getting pulled over for speeding was pretty high so I didn't want to risk it.

I would not be able to afford the veterinarian certification costs for my entire flock. There's a vet visit and certification charge PER bird, plus any tests they may wish to run to be sure the bird isn't carrying any diseases from one state to another.

We have talked about this very thing in case we ever move back to Louisiana. We would have to sell our entire flock and buy new chickens when we got there, because I wouldn't want to risk getting pulled over and having to pay fat fines for illegal transportation of livestock and wouldn't go to the expense of paying all that money for veterinary certification on a $20 chicken.

Edited for typos and clarification.
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HH talk to vets. Because mine all lived together, he only checked random ones aside from the one I took to the office. Same with ducks as any illness would have shown in any bird he least that is contagious and a threat. He just did a farm call and checked random ones in the coop. Cost me less than 100.00 for random exams, farm call and vet certificate for 19 birds and 11 ducks.
Thanks everyone for the advice. I however, am not really concered about being pulled over- I don't think Canada has the same restrictions for crossing provincial boundaries, but I will check (something I haven't thought about before). I was really wondering more about how the individual birds deal with extended car trips and how the stress would affect them. They are beloved pets and I want the best for them -wether that means leaving them or taking them with me. How have your fared on trips?
Andrea, I did it from Oregon to Kentucky. 19 chickens and 11 ducks plus 2 dogs. In suv for 5 especially 3 would be a breeze. Use a wire dog crate, hanging feeder and soda bottle waterers. They do not eat and drink tons so extra bedding for clean ups, vet certificate and npip paperwork is all you need. Summer they will need cool air and no closing everything up to over heat them when stopping or overnighting. Feel free to pm me if you need more help, no need to leave them behind and avoid California if you must enter that from another.

I had cops and people wanting to see them on my trip so they were getting all sorts of attention. I have eggs away all along the way Hahahaha and not a single cop asked for my paperwork which I had ready to show them.

Mine did great through weather that killed goats.
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