treated fence posts


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 30, 2009
Is it ok to use treated lumber for fenceposts in the run (not in the coop)? Will they peck at it and get sick? Thanks,
I use treated wood for my coop parts that have direct contact with the ground. You should be ok- although, if I recall, if you're concerned with being certified organic, you can't use it.
I faced my pressure treated wood in the run with reclaimed fence boards. They (the birds) might not get sick, but if you eat the eggs, like it says on the wood tag, you are ingesting chem. known to the state of california to cause cancer.
Great idea, I'll just face them with pallet wood, which I can get free. Thanks
I would NEVER use treated lumber for something my birds come into contact with.
Treated lumber contains arsenic, to kill the insects who try to eat it. That's why it doesn't decompose. Your hens then eat the insects, ingesting the arsenic. Wanna eat their eggs?
Stick to metal t-posts, or untreated lumber.

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