Tricks for setting eggs


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 3, 2012
Central Maine
Hi. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas to prevent newly hatched chicks from rolling other eggs over. Also does anyone think chicks bumping into other eggs reduces the hatch rate?

Thanks in advance:)

I set my hatching eggs in egg cartons with the lid cut off and the bottom of each cup cut off. I prefer the clear plastic type cuz I can disinfect and reuse them, but the cardboard kind work fine too (once), especially if you mist them well so they are damp before you set the eggs in them for lockdown.



I have also seen the hatcher divided off into sections, with hardware cloth to minimize the soccer ball/bull dozing effect.
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That lil guy is a Pied Lite Lavender (with blended down.. not the normal stripes/markings).

I saw on another thread you have your eggs set and have been candling and see veins and development already, I'm happy for you Mmmaddie!

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