Trilling chicks yay!!! & a death :(

Oooh. that's a smart idea. The plastic lid under the waterer. I'm going to do that. - tomorrow. Years before mind had dumped their whole waterer out and I had to clean the whole brooder.

You know what works better? A pie plate. The tin disposable ones. I switched to one of them & it’s even better.
Here’s a couple photos of the babies. They are still a bit Scittish which is normal I know. I also have a sneaking suspicion 1 of the older ones is a roo. Just a feeling I get. It’s always putting itself between the group & me. Also first too head to the feeder & scratch it around.

Obviously I know it’s too soon to know & all chickens act different blah blah...just a feeling I got & I know with my ducks I’m usually right.

You might be right. My little Bresse cockerel does that (getting between me and the other two with him). He also runs to any food I put in and makes a lot of noise but doesn't eat, waiting for the others to come and get some. He even does it with treats. I've never seen one do that kind of thing so young. Then again, his comb was huge at two weeks. Maybe he's just precocious, haha.
You might be right. My little Bresse cockerel does that (getting between me and the other two with him). He also runs to any food I put in and makes a lot of noise but doesn't eat, waiting for the others to come and get some. He even does it with treats. I've never seen one do that kind of thing so young. Then again, his comb was huge at two weeks. Maybe he's just precocious, haha.

This one is also always first to the feed dish. It does eat right away though & is first to scratch it all over the place. It’s now 5 1/2 weeks & pretty sure I see red starting on its comb.
This is him at 3 1/2 weeks, when I took a picture to ask about his comb (it's a carnation, and Bresse are supposed to have single combs):


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