trim your polish???


10 Years
May 2, 2009
Does anyone ever give their polish a trim? We were wanting to do this, as they can't seem to see things unless it is right in front of them. We lost one to the dog, who is tied up. I'm sure she couldn't see him as she roamed into his territory. She was not used to being out as the other breeds of chickens are and they stay out of his territory. We walk up to them and they don't see us and we startle them. I was also concerned about their eyes. Will the light hurt them? May be a silly question, but since they have a built in sunshade, just kinda wondered.
I've trimmed my little polish pullet's crest several times now. The first couple of times I was timid and didn't trim enough. After she almost hung herself the other night flying into a chain she couldn't see I did a much more drastic trim. I have my DH hold her so there's less chance of me poking her in the eye with the scissors. Just look closely at the feathers to avoid hitting a blood feather.

My little polish cockerel on the other hand hasn't had to have even one trim. The male's crest grows up and out and he can see just fine.
I've trimmed my little polish pullet's crest several times now. The first couple of times I was timid and didn't trim enough. After she almost hung herself the other night flying into a chain she couldn't see I did a much more drastic trim. I have my DH hold her so there's less chance of me poking her in the eye with the scissors. Just look closely at the feathers to avoid hitting a blood feather.

My little polish cockerel on the other hand hasn't had to have even one trim. The male's crest grows up and out and he can see just fine.

Can you tell me what a blood feather is? I've never heard of this, but then again this is my first experience with polish. I know what you mean about running into things. Mine just sit alot in one place. They don't get on the roost, but sleep on the floor. And about how short did you go? Thanks for your reply!
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How short do you trim, cobrien? I will probably be trimming mine often, also. It's kinda scary to watch them! I do worry about them being hurt, especially after losing one to the dog! Thank you for replying!
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I have Spitzhauben that a big pouff on top, I am constantly trimming them. We have a hawk problem, and I want her to see what is going on! The feathers grow back, it's OK.
A blood feather is a feather that is growing in. It has a blood supply so the shaft looks red. If you cut one, it just keeps bleeding until you pull it out.

This is "Spicy" chicken...having a bad hair day!
She got drenched in a sudden storm.
Anyways, I've thought about cutting her feathers back too... didn't know if I could or not.
I cut Pearl's down to roughly half an inch. Probably could have cut a bit shorter. She has a really weird looking mohawk now. Unlike yours, Pearl doesn't seem to realize she can't see to fly. She tries anyhow.

When I take our dogs out for a walk she walks right up to them. Not the smartest thing to do when your a little 2 lb. bird and the dog is a german shepherd.
would love to see a pic! I will try to post a pic when we get ours done. We are going to do it today. Its cloudy and rainy here and when I got up this morn, the only one out was one of my polish girls! Just standing out in the rain looking like a drowned rat!! Silly girl!

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