Tropical topics


10 Years
Nov 7, 2012
Greetings I live in the Caribbean where it is common to see "Yard Fowl" (free range) in abundance. They are everywhere! However I am a first time owner looking listening and learning from different owners around the world. I have two RIR's and an unknown Black bantam-Ish looking (breed?) not sure. Anyway I am not sure if my cock is a cock. Some friends say its a cock, some say it's a hen, he's 5 months old. What are the distinguishing features between a young RIR cockrel and pullet?
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Greetings, DragonHorseMan, and
! I would look for size differences as he should be bigger than the hens of the same breed. Also look for pointy saddle and hackle feathers - this indicates rooster. Oftne times bigger feet. I take it "he" hasn't crowed yet? If you take a pic and post it over on the What Breed or Gender is This? thread, someone might chime in with gender advice. Best of luck to you!

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