Trouble is dead


The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
He died on the porch tonight. Ken stayed with him from 3 pm til he died at around 5:30. He just shut down. By the time the vet could see us he would have passed anyways. He was always a skinny cat, but I noticed yesterday he was REALLY skinny. I tried to give him wet food and he wouldn't eat it. We were gonna take him tonight to the vet. It was too late.

I am so sorry. I know how it is to suddenly lose a cat - I lost my two stubborn buttheaded cats last year that I wouldn't have traded for the world. our siamese had a brain tumor or diabetes one - she suddenly started having seizures one night and after 4 - she died in my mom's arms. my cat a calico - just went off and died - on our porch a few weeks later (they were best friends) - she was a sickly cat anyway - kidney issues - but i believe she grieved herself to death.

So many hugs and kisses and well wishes - and just know - it was meant to be and he's in a better place. <333

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