Try your luck sexing my crew (lots of chicks)


7 Years
Feb 16, 2014
The Frozen Tundra
They're a little young at 4.5 weeks and difficult because half of them are pea combs but we'll give it a shot and try again in a few weeks I guess. I will include my guesses. We will start with the pea combed Ameracaunas.

Chick #1
My guess is male. His comb is a little bigger than the others and has 3 rows, but it isn't very pink yet.

Chick #2 I am thinking girl. The comb on this one only has one row and is pretty flat and colorless.

Chick #3 Thinking male? Hard to tell.

Chick #4 - thinking male here. 3 rowed, thicker comb that is pretty pink compared to the others.

Chick #5 Thinking female. One row, smaller comb that is yellow

Chick #6 Pullet? Hard to say.

chick #7 I am guessing male based on the color of the comb and I think it has 3 rows.

That's it for my pea combs! I have 2 different breeds or crosses that are not pea combed. Here is the first breed/cross. I hatched these eggs that I bought from the farmer's market and found they were fertile. I bought them mostly to keep my ameracauna eggs company in the bator and to hopefully provide me with some nice brown eggs. I wanted blue and brown layers. So here is the first breed/cross. These are stumping me. Several of them feathered MUCH slower than the others but other than that, all their combs and stuff look the same to me. There is one that has some pointy feathers I think and I will point that out when we come to it.

Chick #8 I am guessing pullet because she was a faster featherer and that's all I am really going on.

Chick #9 I'm not sure from the pics if this was a faster featherer or not.

Chick #10 No clue other than it was one of the faster feathering ones I think so...female?

Chick #11 Guessing male. His feathers are pretty scraggly...

Chick #12 I am going with Male. This is the one chick that seems to have some pointy feathers on his neck. Also I believe he was a slower featherer.

Now for my second red chick breed/cross. These are decidedly different than the other red chicks.

Chick #13 WOAH look at that comb. He's got little wattles too. Male.

Chick #14 Big ol red comb and wattles. Male.

Chick #15 Tiny yellow comb, no wattles. Female.

And here's a picture of where they went after each picture was taken to make sure we didn't do anyone twice lol.

Here are my guesses:

Chick 1- rooster
Chick 2- pullet
chick 3- Leaning towards cockerel, if the comb gets any pinker I'd say cockerel.
Chick 4- Rooster
Chick 5 to 6- pullet
Chick 7- rooster
Chick 8 to 9- pullet
Chick 10- Pullet for now.
Chick 11- Leaning towards pullet
Chick 12- pullet
Chick 13 to 14- definitely roosters
Chick 15- pullet

Some of these are just guesses, you should be able to tell the sex of most of these chicks by 7-8 weeks. :)
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Hi mortie!
I would have guessed pretty much what you predicted. On the second group, brick red coming in on the upper wings could indicate a male. At least it works that way with EEs. They all look nice! When are they gonna start laying?
Some updates. I put my updates with the old pictures, I will post new pictures especially of the ones I am not sure on. I am not sure on any of my reds....they are tricky.
This one has a medium sized comb that has 3 rows but is not as red as the boys...not sure.

Chick #4 - thinking male here. 3 rowed, thicker comb that is pretty pink compared to the others.
Red comb. Boy.

Chick #5 Thinking female. One row, smaller comb that is yellow
Comb is smaller and still yellow...still thinking girl.

Chick #6 Pullet? Hard to say.
This one is a mystery. Its comb is more defined than some of the ones that I am sure are girls, but it's not red like the ones I am sure are boys. The known girls are noticably smaller than this one but it's not as big as some of the boys. It's in between in pretty much every way.

chick #7 I am guessing male based on the color of the comb and I think it has 3 rows.
This chick's comb turned pretty red. Boy.

That's it for my pea combs! I have 2 different breeds or crosses that are not pea combed. Here is the first breed/cross. I hatched these eggs that I bought from the farmer's market and found they were fertile. I bought them mostly to keep my ameracauna eggs company in the bator and to hopefully provide me with some nice brown eggs. I wanted blue and brown layers. So here is the first breed/cross. These are stumping me. Several of them feathered MUCH slower than the others but other than that, all their combs and stuff look the same to me. There is one that has some pointy feathers I think and I will point that out when we come to it.
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My guesses in this thread with the pea combs were all right. My red chicks with the exception of the two obvious roos were all pullets. I never did find the one that went missing.
Thanks again for posting! I now am happy to say I have 7 black, 6 blue and 6 splash ameraucanas :) Might have a "pin the tail on the roo" 4th of July party if I can find anyone willing to look and guess for me - ha! Who did you get yours from? There was a discussion on ABC saying all "clown faced black" chicks grew to be pullets but I just bought my blacks at 3 weeks so they're pretty well feathered now. It looked to me like your pullets combs ended at the top in a distinct point whereas the cockerals ended more abruptly. Here's a pic of one of the adorable blues from Paul Smith


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