Trying to work out why my Emu is not laying

Samantha Stevens

May 20, 2021
Dorset, UK
Hi all, can you help?

Last year my young pair of emu laid for the first time, we got eggs every 2-4 days between the end of Jan and the beginning of April.

This year she laid one egg mid Jan, but nothing since.

Has anyone else had this problem?
They both seem perfectly healthy otherwise, there is a 'nest'. My only guess was lack of calcium, so I've upped her intake.

IMHO, what she isn't doing is ovulating. Calcium won't help that. Calcium will replace that in the bloodstream when a shell is produced. Or after ovulation and egg development, calcium will help muscle function to move the egg along.
Essential amino acids (upping crude protein intake) can stimulate ovulation as long as they are otherwise healthy and being photo-stimulated post winter solstice.

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