Tucson Arizona Laws? and other misc questions


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 26, 2008
Hi. My wife and I are new to all this but are very excited to get into raising chickens. Reading a lot and learning a lot from this forum!

We live in a "track home" type community. Our backyard doesnt face any other homes and our yard is large enough to hold a small coop.
Does anyone know what the laws are here in tucson?

also, he have a lot of questions such as:

1. how many eggs can you expect to get on avg if you raise 4 chickens? from reading the forums it sounds like about a dozen a month.
2. are chickens loud at night?
3. when the chickens stop laying eggs..what do you do with them? we really are interested in the eggs mostly.
4. how often do you have to clean out the coop?
5. do you need a roo if all you want are eggs to eat? if so, can the roo live in the same coop as the chickens?

Thanks for your help!
1. how many eggs can you expect to get on avg if you raise 4 chickens? from reading the forums it sounds like about a dozen a month.
Production chickens are capable of laying 6 eggs a week, weather conditions, feed, stress, available light, all play a part. Good egg laying breeds are
Production Reds (often referred to as RIR)
Production australorps
Production Dominiques
Production Rocks

Sex links - I prefer the breeds above because of the way they look.

2. are chickens loud at night?
rooster can and will crow at night, if hens make a lot of noise , there is probably a skunk or possum trying to bite their heads off. (of course the answer is relevant to what you consider is a "lot of noise."

3. when the chickens stop laying eggs..what do you do with them? we really are interested in the eggs mostly.
Most birds will continue laying until they die, their production might drop off after 2 or three years, but they will still lay.

4. how often do you have to clean out the coop?
the answer to this is directly related to how good your sense of smell is.

5. do you need a roo if all you want are eggs to eat? if so, can the roo live in the same coop as the chickens?
No roosters are not needed unless you want chicks, and yes if you decide to get a rooster, then they can live with the hens.

This is for your city , I believe.


Sec. 4-55. Running at large prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person to permit any chickens, ducks, geese or turkeys to run at large within the city.
(1953 Code, ch. 4, § 32)

Sec. 4-56. Limit on number kept.
Except as to the extent permitted by chapter 23, of the Tucson Code or as otherwise provided, it shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain within the city more than twenty-four (24) fowl.
(1953 Code, ch. 4, § 33; Ord. No. 2178, § 1, 6-1961)

Sec. 4-57. Proximity of coop or place kept to dwellings.
Except as otherwise provided, it shall be unlawful for any person to keep or maintain, within fifty (50) feet of the dwelling house of any other person within the city, any coop, house, shed or other structure, or yard, corral or enclosure for housing, keeping or caring for any pigeons or fowl of any kind.
(1953 Code, ch. 4, § 34)

Sec. 4-58. Coop or place kept to be clean, sanitary.
Every person keeping or maintaining any fowl of any kind within the city shall keep and maintain the coops, houses, sheds, structures, yards, corrals or enclosures wherein such fowl are kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
(1953 Code, ch. 4, § 35)

Sec. 4-59. Keeping male fowl or guinea fowl prohibited.
Except as to the extent permitted by chapter 23 of the Tucson Code, or as otherwise provided, it shall be unlawful for any person to keep, house or feed any male fowl or guinea fowl within the city.
(1953 Code, ch. 4, § 36; Ord. No. 2178, § 2, 6-19-61)

Sec. 4-60. Keeping pigeons.
Except as otherwise provided, it shall be unlawful for any person to keep any pigeons within the city unless they are securely housed or cooped so as to prevent them going at large; however, pigeons bearing a seamless leg band, issued by a recognized association of pigeon fanciers, may be released for exercise, performance or the commencement of races, within the corporate limits of the city, upon the condition that the owner or person who has possession of such pigeons shall not permit them to alight upon buildings or property of others.
(1953 Code, ch. 4, § 37; Ord. No. 2997, § 2, 4-24-67)

Sec. 4-61. Penalties.
A violation of this article is punishable by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). No judge may suspend the imposition of the minimum fine prescribed herein. In addition to the fine amount, the penalty may include not more than six (6) months in jail and not more than three (3) years' probation, or any combination thereof.
In addition, the judge shall order abatement as necessary.
(Ord. No. 7241, § 9, 7-3-89)
Secs. 4-62--4-70. Reserved.
Thanks! that is very very helpful.. If I read this correctly "Sec. 4-59. Keeping male fowl or guinea fowl prohibited.
" This means I can have female chickens that lay eggs right? sorry if that is a real ignorant question lol

We are considering moving to Tucson and I was really missing the idea of having chickens. So I'm super excited to see this post. If anyone else lives in Tucson City Limits I'd be very curious as to if you know anything about having chickens... Thanks!
There are many people in TUcson who raise chickens, although most that I personally know live on larger plats of land. I do know someone who has chickens and the occasional rooster, and lives in an apartment.
The DH and I went to the UofA, and I lived on campus the whole time. There were LOTS of chickens/roos around that area, so I don't know
I live in Tucson, and even though I am new to chickens (and I looked all this up before getting them JUST to make sure) from what I have learned from other chicken owners in Tucson, as long as your neighbors don't complain, you are pretty free to do whatever you wish. I live on the south side and 4 of the 5 houses on my block have chickens and I'm not positive but it SOUNDS like most of them have a roo. They have never been obnoxiously loud, so no one ever complains. As long as you are respectful of your neighbors you shouldn't have any problems. It never hurts to talkt o them before you jump into though!

My parents live outside the city limits and so are not held to the same standards. Each property is over 2 acres, but the neighbors closest have one EXTREMELY annoying rooster. He crows VERY loudly, all the time, day and night, without breaks. I can't imagine how the guy does it without dying from exhaustion! But it drives my parents CRAZY that this neighbor is so rude. Because they are allowed to have roosters out there, they can't get any help from the city, and the neighbors were super rude about it when my parents asked if there was anything they could do to reduce the noise. People like this are the ones who give us chicken lovers a bad name! IF you know anyone like this, I beg you to try to reason with them so our laws are not changed to be even more harsh

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