Turkey Chicks

Twisted Acres

In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 13, 2012
I put some turkey eggs under my broody chickens. They are due to hatch next weekend. How long should I keep the chicks with the hen?
I have not had great success raising Turkey Poults with a Turkey Hen. I have done it before on several occassions but the survival rate was dismal in both attempts. In succesive attempts, I chose to raise the poults myself and survival rates were much better.

You may want to consider brooding the poults yourself.

Turkeys are by far my favorite Poultry.
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I have a silkie raising a poult that I put under her as a live chick. He's smaller than his buddies back at the feed store, but seems healthy. I free range them and supplement with high protein treats (scrambled egg, hamburger, etc) in addition to the 28% feed he has available. Going on week 4 and he seems fine.
My broody is a turkey hen, not a silkie, but she's had her poults for a little over a week now and is doing a fabulous job caring for them. I did have to set her up in a dog crate though, when I let them out the poults were everywhere- popping in and out if my chainlink fence and scaring the bejesus out of their mama. I still let them out, but only when I can be there to supervise. I plan on leaving the poults with mom until she doesn't want them anymore. I figure she can be more attentive to them then I can. Good luck!
to semi answer your question, i don't know the exact weeks, i had a broody button quail hatch out a coturnix quail and he is still in there with her, at about 3 weeks now. he's bigger then her as well.

i say they can stay together under close supervision for as long as they want. If you see signs of well...anything bad, i'd then separate them

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