Turkey Hen Off Balance


In the Brooder
Jul 4, 2018
I know this is a Turkey but I was hoping someone would have insight, she is about 2 years old, a Royal Palm. I've had her a couple weeks and just this morning I went to feed and water and she was just laying down, and then I saw her get up just to fall over. She can walk maybe 2 feet if she goes very slowly, but inevitably tumbles over. I found the hen I kept with her limp and hardly moving a couple days back and that one ended up dying. The Tom I kept with them is acting fine at the moment but so we she. She has no sign of bumblfoot, additionally she is eating fine and now drinking a ton, is dehydration the possible culprit? I've tried to keep unfrozen water available, but maybe I wasn't doing it often enough. TIA, hope I posted in the right place this time.
I would look at dehydration as the first possibility, then a possible problem with the Tom hurting ot threatening them. Offer some water and electrolytes right away. They sell 6 Quart electric dog water bowls at many farm stores, online, and at WalMart this time of year. I dump mine daily into a bucket, wipe it out with bleach water on a paper towel, and refill them with clean water. Many also use the black runbber water bowls, emptying them at dusk, then refilling them in the morning. If they freeze, the ice can be easily dumped out.

Could it be that your Tom has been keeping them from food and water? I would keep an eye out for that, possibly separating him. Also coccidiosis can be a turkey problem, as well as one for chickens. Symptoms are lethargy, hunched posture, poor appetite, and runny poops sometimes with blood. Corid (amprollium) from the feed store put in the water for 5-7 days will treat that.
I've treated cocci before and I've started treatment for chickens today after a couple more issues have popped up. I never noticed the Tom keeping them from feed but I suppose he could've. She drank and ate a lot when I put it in front of her.
She is still unable to properly walk. She seems to be getting a little stronger, some other things I read said it could be protein deficiency, so she's been on chick feed, and I've been giving her electrolyte water. Her droppings have been normal and she still acts fine, not lethargic or anything. So no major improvements yet but also no drop in condition.
Forgot to update! She is officially back out enjoying winter! She has been out for over a month now. I assume she just had a deficiency of some sort, that took a bit to get fixed. Thank you to those who commented!

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