Turkey hens laying eggs in late January?

All I have is 1 LED bulb that hangs in their coop and it gets them going lol. I don't trust my girls to hatch their own eggs but every egg I get, I throw in the bator. I've almost always had luck hatching them in the winter. Fertility started going down last year. I thought it was due to having too many toms fighting over the girls but this year, I only have 2 boys and Taz respects Romeo as the boss. I think the issue is that Romeo is being up there in age. He'll be 5 this year (I think?) And several of my hens are really getting up there. Pebbles, Eve, and Sweet Pea will all be 6 years old this year!
My hens all had fertile eggs even at ten years old. I know that Porter's switches his hens out after 4 years old and his toms after 3 years old. I suspect is the problem is toms more than hens.
Nibbles is so cute for a name. Fantastic for a duck...I might steal that one. Feb 8 our 4 ducklings hatch from Meyer and ship. 3 Saxony and 1 Khaki Campbell. I am very worried they will die in shipping. Last year the turkeys and ducks (except one that was obviously too old to survive shipping) made it all alive. I hope covid shipping doesn’t impact live animals.🤞
My 2 yr old hen Avocado started laying in November thru December, I think she stopped and decided to go through a terrible molt instead. It's so odd to me bc the only supplemental light they get anymore is a very dim night light in their coop! I've had a broody chicken hen hatch bantam eggs on xmas in the past, but never tried to hatch turkeys around this time.
Nibbles is so cute for a name. Fantastic for a duck...I might steal that one. Feb 8 our 4 ducklings hatch from Meyer and ship. 3 Saxony and 1 Khaki Campbell. I am very worried they will die in shipping. Last year the turkeys and ducks (except one that was obviously too old to survive shipping) made it all alive. I hope covid shipping doesn’t impact live animals.🤞

Nibbles would be a great name for a duck! My Nibbles loves attention but she gets excited trying to get it and bites... she'll even just bite the air sometimes. She's always been that way so she earned her name lol.

I hope your ducklings make it safely and quickly. Right now, anything time sensitive is a little scary being in the mail...
Nibbles would be a great name for a duck! My Nibbles loves attention but she gets excited trying to get it and bites... she'll even just bite the air sometimes. She's always been that way so she earned her name lol.

I hope your ducklings make it safely and quickly. Right now, anything time sensitive is a little scary being in the mail...
Yeah, our turkey Sadie is very, very sweet one minute then any kind of excitement changes her mind. She turns red, hoo hoos at me, and occasionally tries to pluck my eye out. You can’t be completely relaxed unless she’s asleep in your lap. Pearl is always chill and will sit in your lap indefinitely once you pick her up. She’s the submissive one. She will nibble my finger and hold my finger in her mouth when she’s upset. It never hurts at all. They’re so different. I admit, it’s very fun to have verbal disagreements with Sadie.

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