Turkey leg problems. Not broken. So confused

I realize these are your pets, but unfortunately the pets you chose are birds that were engineered for rapid meat production, not for long and healthy lives.

I'd say it's rather unusual to have a broad breasted turkey who is aggressive, but a 30+ pound aggressive turkey just isn't safe to consider as a pet.

If he continues to limp, it is probably the normal issue with weight vs. physical build. If he were my turkey, I'd turn him into dinner and find a nice heritage tom to keep the girls company if they are in good shape.

I have nothing against BBB turkeys, they are usually very friendly and docile. I've raised about 100 of them. But your safety and humane treatment comes first, and humane treatment sometimes means euthanizing a pet. Since a turkey is a meat bird, I just take it one step farther.
Thanks for your opinion I'm just really torn as to what to do. This all started back when a wild turkey befriended me and we got close then the coyotes got her. My neighbor seeing how that affected me got me three BBB. They are very spoiled turkeys we built them a coop with the nesting box and a very large pen. But when they grew bigger the male is so huge that he's almost to the point of killing the girls when he mounts them. Cannot try that saddle thing because you cannot get in the pen with the male turkey it's too dangerous. Every day I let the girls out to wander and we tried to let the male out to wander but he attacked my husband when he tried to put them back in the pen. It's hard to believe that these three turkeys roosted on my arm when they were little. I don't think it's an option to kill the turkeys unless it gets to the point that he's suffering more he still is able to roost and eat and continually paces when were outside with him. If he starts suffering more then I will kill him but at that time I will not get any more turkeys to replace them once they all died it's too much work and we're too old. I'm not sure what turned him aggressive like I said they're very spoiled and none of them would let me pet them ever they just run
At some point in the future, when your current flock has moved on, maybe you can encourage the wild turkeys with a feeder. Where there is one, there will be more that you just haven't seen. I'd advise feeding just outside the coop where you can see them but where droppings won't interfere with the enjoyment of your yard. Once they are comfortable with feeding by the coop, prop the door open and let them feed and shelter inside. You may end up with wild turkeys that appreciate your hospitality.
Thanks for the advise. I'll do that. I haven't seen any other turkeys. I would think when the gobbler starts or the girls do their noise it would attract them. But we'll c. Our coop even though small has a roosting rail in it a nesting box and Storm windows and screens. It really bothers me they won't let me pet them. The only rare time is when the female lays right outside males pen hoping he turns into super turkey and gets through the fencing.
They're loving the warm weather. Girls are not getting along. The bigger one picks on the other she's only got 1 tail feather left and many others gone. If it turns cold here she will prob not make it
Oh no! Well these birds can be pretty hardy. My female Royal Palm is always pecking at her mate. I like to call him hen pecked. Lol. The winter is such a bummer.
My buddy fred is a BBB. Xmas eve he was fine all that day. That night it rained a bit and got really cold.. xmas day i noticed he was laying in the same spot all day. So I put him in my dogs house.he still has not stood up. He eats and drinks fine and doesnt seem to be in any pain. Any help would b really appreciated. I dont want anything to happen to him
Sounds like something I experienced with a couple birds years ago, do you have any pictures of them?

Wasn't sure if this was to me. I have pics of my royal palms. They are my profile pic and I have more.

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