Turkey poult dying please help

So sorry this is happening to you. Just curious what breed are they? A long time ago we hatched some I can't remember the name of the breed they were but they just kept dying. The Other people who had hatched turkeys from the same breed had the same problems. I guess it was bad genetics? Don't know what's wrong with yours though. Turkeys are can be hard to keep alive when young compared to other things like chicks and duckings. So sorry about what's happening. I hope that you can figure it out.
Sorry that you lost the 2. Bumblefoot would be almost unheard of in a week old bird kept on bedding. Could there be mice or rats inside the brooder getting at the feet? How were the birds kept at the breeders? Did they have bedding to keep the feet dry? LA 200 is tetracycline and is used in chickens to treat MG and some other infections. If possible send a body to your state vet for a necropsy. That is the best way to find out what is wrong. From my experience it can take 2 weeks or more for mycoplasma to show up as symptoms. It sounds more like a bad hatch from the breeder. Do you have a feed store locally who will be selling healthy poults? Here is a list of state vets to send a bird for a necropsy:
Thanks everyone. All the poults have passed. I have never seen bumble in a baby. They seemed to have a hard time breathing. Like fluid was in there lungs. I felt so bad for those babies. It made me angry that they suffered like they did.

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