Turkey with very swollen cheeks, sinuses, bubbly eyes


13 Years
Jan 29, 2011
Niles, MI
I have 2 turkeys. One has been fighting this sinus thing for a month or more. The other has not caught it, thank goodness. They are housed together in a pen.

I ran them both through a 3 day cycle of Duramycin. No help at all.

I have some Corid. I have not tried that yet. I wanted to get some advice first because we are planning on taking these 2 to the butcher for the holidays.

This is the first time we have had turkeys so I'm no expert on this. What do I need to do? Do I just need to cull him and keep the other? Or is there something I can try to clear this up so that we can butcher him? I will not eat a sick bird.

First off I am not an expert. I do have turkeys and unfortunately had a turkey that "caught" something that sounds similar to what yours has. Swollen cheeks can be a sinus infection, which is what mine had. I gave it one cc of Tylan 50 for three days and it cleared up in no time. It has had absolutely zero problems since then.

Perhaps posting some pictures could help.
If you decide to proceed with the Tylan 50, then it can be administered via an injection or orally. I proceeded with the injection into the breast muscle. I moved the feathers aside & alternated between left & right for the 3 days. I do not have any experience with Tylan 50 given orally, sorry. Yes pictures should help & then hopefully we can get the opinions of others as well.

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