turkeys close to chickens


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 11, 2011
I have a 16 x 24 chicken yard with a 6 x 8 coop. I plan on building two 10 x 20 yards with 4 x 5 coops of the back side for 5-6 turkeys in each. They will be divided by plywood between the chickens and turkeys. Is this gonna be a problem. I know there hasn't been an issue with blackhead in our area.
If there is no blackhead in your area they should be fine as long as they don't free range together. If they are allowed out together watch that the toms don't bully or try to mate with the chickens. My turkey hen ate one of my broody silkies chicks, so watch out for that too.
I plan on free ranging them but alternating days. Chickens one day and turkeys the next. I am trying to figure out how I can free range them in separate areas also to help minimize the risk of anything.
I am hoping my plan for the turkey pen is big enough. 10 x 20 with a 4 x 5 coop for 5-6turkeys. We will have bourbon reds and royal palms in two identical pens. I have been having trouble finding good turkey space requirements.
ours free range together with no issues. well, it took 2 days of bouncing and huffing for the rooster and the tom to sort out status, but there were no actual contact fights, just posturing.

we don't have blackhead issues here, you can find out by calling your local extension agent (ask for the one who deals with poultry) or talking with your vet, if they deal with birds/livestock.

If you DO have blackhead as a local issue, I'm pretty sure they can transmit it by sharing a fence, and by freeranging the same piece of ground.

as for running them together, problems might include the tom trying to breed the chicken hens, or the birds fighting. for young birds, they have somewhat different requirements, so sharing food might be an issue. as adults, we feed ours all the same.

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