Turkeys, with Guineas, and Chickens


Sep 12, 2020
Stafford, Virginia
Can turkeys, guineas, and chickens all live happily together?
We have 2 male guineas with 28 female chickens. I plan on getting turkeys. Can they all go together? What do i need to know?
Can turkeys have chicken pellets and drink from nipple waterers?
Will they be mean to the guineas and chickens?
There is enough room for tons more birds. Their is two smaller runs and a bigger run which is around 2700 sq ft.
Just what do i need to know about turkeys?

If blackhead is a problem where you live, keeping turkeys with chickens can be a death sentence for the turkeys.

I don't recommend keeping guineas with anything but guineas. Your guineas are going to be mean to everything.

If blackhead is not a problem and you have lots of room with plenty of hiding places and obstacles, turkeys can be kept with chickens but there will be problems from time to time. Turkeys can kill chickens both unintentionally and intentionally.

My turkey/chicken run is 50'x100' (5,000 ft²) and they get to free range daily in a 2 acre enclosure.

Adult turkeys can have a quality 16% protein chicken but I feed my chickens, guineas and turkeys a 20% protein all flock feed.

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