Turkeys won't go in the chicken house anymore

Good grief... we started out thinking we'd process all 5 . Then later we thought maybe we'd keep a Tom and 2 hens (assuming we would have at least 1 Tom and 2 hens out of the 5.) Now I'm back to plan A. Except the dang chicks cost 6 dollars each! Hate to have to buy them every year.
Ours want to sleep on the porch railing. One night they did, 'cause they roosted on the railing right next to our open bedroom door. But I was so worried about predators I didn't sleep well. (Owls, possums, we got 'em both.)

SO DH made a nice 2X4 roost in the chicken run yesterday and we had to carry them in and put them on it last night. I'm hoping they'll take to it. It isn't as high as the railing (our house is about 50 ft from the run, but is on a little hill), but it is protected.
I spent several hours clearing out the other side of the hen house. I think we will put up a 2X4 roost in there. How high up did you place it? I loathe the idea od carrying them in every night until they figure out this is their place but, like you, I have trouble sleeping knowing they're exposed.
I only have 1 turkey that roosts outside. My Bourbon Red Tom has many different roosting places. He roosts on the metal gate entering into the chicken yard (1 acre), on top of either of the chicken houses, the fence or the entry/doorway to one of my tall roosting coops that stands about 7 feet tall. He guards the hens of that coop. The only place that he does not go in to roost is the chicken stalls- - -> (see pic below) . Too many chickens in there and he doesn't like to be crowded. He has been doing this for years. I have not had any problems. He is huge, so I'm not really worried about predators attacking him. He protects all of the girls at night. As far as the turkey hens, they roost in several different areas on any given night. I have about 10 different places that my chickens and turkeys can roost at night (stalls, chickens houses, coops that house 10 - 25 chickens at one time) I started having a problem with my 2 month old poults wanting to roosts in my pecan trees. I had to climb in the trees or get a ladder to get them out of the trees and put them in the roosting stalls. Not a pretty sight. The turkey hens may on a very rare occasion try to roost in my open shed on a 2x4 board. I usually let them roost on the inside of the shed because I don't feel like putting up a right with them. I know that I probably shouldn't let them roost in the open shed but I have never had a problem with a predator going inside the open shed and attacking or killing them.

Turkeys just love roosting outside.

Mine did the same thing but you have to re-direct them and place them inside of the chicken house. They don't know better. They have no idea. You will have to pick them up and place them in the chicken house. You may have to lock them up for a couple of days with food and water (of course) so that they will know where they are supposed to be at night. You are right to worry about predators. At that young age, predators will in fact get them.
My turkeys have always preferred being outside. When they were young I had to chase them back inside. Now they are free ranging. I built a roost/shelter for them, but they prefer to pile up on top of the feeding station.
They are pretty big now.. I don't know how big is "too big" for raccoons or opposums. I think we'll leave them to their ways for now. If we start loosing them, we'll have to do something else. Thanks to everyone for your help!

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