
I use the same 21-22% feed for my Cornish X's and my BB Turkeys.

Jeff, you do know that you can process early to avoid having HUGE turks

I know, I was assuming he was wanting these for Thanksgiving. But ya, if your wanting fresh 20 lb turkey's in August get them in May. Otherwise if you get them in May you will have 40-50 lb turkeys in November.

The monsters.... order them in May.....

The small 20 pounders... get them last week of July

If your planning on selling them for Turkey day most people prefer 16-20 lbs....

And yes.... feed them 24/7 until about 6-8 weeks then just go with natural daylight. Otherwise you will go broke if they eat 24/7.
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We fed ours 24/7 (just as we do our heritage breeds), and it took me a little over 6 months to get a 50 pound tom.

I put it on a calendar at work, so I will double check that when I get there to see the exact length of time.

I just checked the calendar and it was right at 24 and a half weeks when I butchered the big guy. He weighed in at 49.5 pounds.

There is some wiggle room on those dates, since I picked him up at a feed store and not sure on his exact age when purchased, but that is my best guess estimate.

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