Twisted neck and semi-paralys.. day 24.. HELP ! :(

I had the same problem with the neck having some sort of muscle spasms. Someone on this sight told me to give vitamin E, take a whole capsule and put it on bread or in oatmeal, anything to get some into your chicken, this completely cured my bird. Please try to find some of my other posts on this subject. My girl layed for three days without food or water before I got this information and she is still doing great, even lays eggs now. Nowever, I kept her away from the others and in the house for three weeks over Christmas last year, Good Luck I will keep watching your post to see how things go.
To be honest, i don't have any hope, because my feathered friend is in bad condition, but i will give it a try. I will go and buy some vitamin E right now..

later edit: my vet gave me a sort of medicament witch suppose to raise the muscular system if it's weak. The E vitamin can't be found at veterinary shop. I will try at the human pharmacy. I hope i will find one open.. it's 21.47 here..

later edit: the medicament has a name similar to Ganoderma lucidum but i can't remember precisely. it's a liquid solution.
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I have found some vitamin E witch have a shape like a mini yellow rugby ball, filed with a liquid. On the wrapping is written "acetat of alpha-tocoferil". I gave it one pill, some corn (forced feeding, of course
) and mint tea (in my country it's very common to give mint tea to chickens).
I hope too.. and thank you for care..

I feed him, i give him tea and medicaments.. I wash his feathers when gets dirty by poo and dry them after with hair dryer. Luckily the roster doesn't have a problem with handling... i guess it's used to..

On the crop, the skin is pink and nice, but the skin on the chest and skin between toes tends to be bluish.. In it's poo i can see white substance (i was told it is ok, being a sort of urea, like it is urine for humans. A while that white substance was not present in poo .. can i guess it was not be present because messed up liver?) From now, it's poo tends to contain green substance too.. that worries me.. : (
OH I was so hoping it would be getting better. What a tough little fellow for hanging in so long. Keep getting food and liquids in him. While there is breath there is hope. You are so kind to be trying so hard.
hope your little guy get's better! It's great that you are trying so hard to save him.

My rule of thumb is, give the chicken one moth and if the chicken doesn't show any signs of improvement, I humanly put the animal to sleep.
Isn't that the 'Wry Neck' thing where they need some additional supplements (and pronto in his case)?
My fellow doesn't get any better. It's breath movement are getting weaker and weaker and it's force is very very low.. almost has no force at all. All the medicaments seems to have no positive effects but i admit that without med, it could live less.

It's not very clear, due to low camera phone, but i guess the shape and color of the poo, green and white can be see. The paper was prey wet - with the poo in the picture made a lot of liquid too, absorbed by the paper. All that poo was made in the night.

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I have found a few tiny "things" that resemble to be worms eggs in it's poo. Few, very tiny, colorless, pretty hard to crack reported to their size. I am searching now for some info about intestinal worms. Any info that somebody can give me is welcome.

And by the way, i have found this: - the possible disease of the chickens, grouped by the affected region: respiratory, eggs, muscular, etc.. I hope showing this link is not a problem for admins. I liked the presentation and i think it's useful for newbies like me.

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