Two broodys, gave them each 11 eggs :D


11 Years
Apr 19, 2008
Eaton County, MI
There are actually 3 broodies, but I have nowhere for my frizzle to sit where she won't get bullied by the bigger girls.

So right now I have a Cuckoo Maran and a Light Brahma sitting on "mutt" eggs, start date of May 2.
They are standards ... the broody bantam was on 15 eggs when I took them from her, poor thing. They have a rubber horse grain tub for a "nest" with bedding in it and have fluffed up to fill all available space ... this is how we hatched out our last two clutches under broodies. Not sure if our fertility rate is as good as it was when we had more than one roo, so I really don't expect all of the eggs to hatch or I'd have given them fewer.
They are being good, getting their own food and water and treats and loyally sticking to their nests.

Well, one of the broodies quit about a week ago. She'd already "lost" a number of her eggs, and had broken a few more.

Hubby put the remaining 5 into the other hen's nest.

A couple of those eggs started hatching Wednesday evening. The hen killed the chicks as they started zipping.

Then "her" eggs started hatching yesterday. She stayed on the nest all day and night, but then ditched earlier today.

She has TWO babies.

Most of the remaining eggs in the nest were pipped. Now cold.

She had been a good broody & good mommy last summer ... *sigh*

We're just done with babies for a while!!

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