Two call ducks eggs checked in as viable at candling!


Dulcimyrh Ducks
10 Years
Oct 22, 2009
Hey all,

Well, my friend and I just candled the three call duck eggs I have set in the incubator...guess what? The ones collected and set on 1/9 and 1/11 both candled in with blood vessels developing!

These are my first call duck eggs to do so. So let's hope things progress! One egg was clear and I have another that was collected today and will be set tonight...these are all going in a staggered hatch because it is so unpredictable at present to know when they are going to lay, so I am not delaying setting them. Wish me luck! The Model 50 Humidaire is testing right now with the first clutch of 12 chicken eggs, and candling at day 11 today for those showed 8 that looked promising. So the GQF is going to be on reserve indefinitely for call duck eggs now, since I am starting to see about two of those a week.

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