Two eggs a day?


11 Years
Sep 2, 2008
We got our first eggs last Tuesday, so nothing has been very consistent yet. Here are pics of all the eggs except 3 (which were delicious!)so far:


We have 2 EEs, 1 GLW, and 1 standard cochin. So do you think these look like eggs from 4 chickens as I have them separated, or from three chickens, with all on the right from one chicken? This would mean that the GLW has layed two a day for a few of the days. Is this possible?
I have a neighbor who does not speaky the English(none of my neighbors do) so communiticating with him is difficult but he swears one of his pollos lays to juevos every day.
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I had a rhode island red a couple of years back that would sometimes lay two eggs a day.So I guess its possible but I think it is really hard on them because mine didn't look very healthy and ended up being taken by a hawk. She always had a "molting" appearance which I credited to the fact that she was really cranking out eggs and it was just too much for her body to handle. I would suggest you feed a quality laying mash , plenty of water , oyster shell and any treats you have on hand(grapes or veggies whatever) you may even want to s cramble her some eggs for the extra protein. Good luck!
Biologically, chickens lay an egg evey 26 hours. They ovulate only during daylight hours, thus every week they will appear to "skip" a day as their body resets. That is why in the winter, chickens tend to lay less often - shorter days.
Yeah I understand that but when this bird was doing it I only had TWO hens and about every third day I would get three eggs the other days I would get two.I collect eggs EVERY day so I know it wasn't leftover from the previous day. Keep in mind RIR's are bred as production hens so I'm thinking it was a genetic thing.
Anything is possible...I have 3 RIRs and they lay quite consistantly. The only time I get 5 eggs a day is when my dear boy doesn't collect the eggs after school like he's supposed to!
Thanks, everyone! I imagine when the laying gets more consistent I'll figure out who is laying what.

BTW they get 50% layena, 50% organic mash, and separate bowls of oyster shell and grit in the run, and corn scratch, veggie scraps, and whatever they can find in the yard for 3-4 hours a day. They are well fed, and well spoiled!
good good I just posted about the feed cause nutrition is so important when your birds are laying and some people think laying feed is all they need
My understanding is that in most chickens the egg-producing cycle is 23 hours long so it is possible for a chicken to technically lay two eggs in one day. My DBF did the math, and he says that this occurrence could only ever happen every 24 days or so. This came up because last week was one of our first weeks that our 5 hens were all laying one egg a day, and then one day I got 6 but we went right back to 5 eggs the next day.

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