Two Hen Questions


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 9, 2014
SouthEast Mo
My husband visited farmers market and picked me up 2 hens mear the end of May. A RIR and a Wyandotte.
I know their travels and rehoming is stress and it takes time for them to lay.

RIR looks rough, seller said other hens were picking her feathers and her butt/rump is still bare although there is one feather poking out now and she might have some new ones trying to grow in.
She started laying, I thought it was one of my EE pullets, yup she tricked me, I caught her laying. Proof and duped lol. The first few eggs were tinted pink until put in the fridge, then turned brown. Now they are brown.
The top beak, is shorter than the bottom. Like, half a top one. She eats and drinks ok. She does seem to be a bully but I haven't seen any feather pulling, all the others look ok.
Could she have been coming out of a molt?

She kind of acts like a loner. Both came from the same seller. Both are supposed to be around 2 years old.
I'm no pro but I do think she's more than 2. Eats and drinks fine, but would rather have some feed away from the others, recently she seems more relaxed eating with the others.

Up until today, we were getting 1 egg from RIR. Today we got 2 eggs, the usual brown one and one that is a bit smaller, normal shaped. It's not quite white but is kind of tinted a beige/tan color.
Could the Wyandotte have just took more time to adjust to the change? Her feathers look ok. She is active just doesn't seem to want to run amuck with the others. I'm thinking she's more than 2 years old.
Could she be the one to give us an extra egg today?

Would love some extra thoughts on these 2.
First time adding photos with a tablet, hope it works.


Well, I'm no expert at all, but the Wyandotte looks like a hen...but like you said he was sold to you as a 2-year old but she could very well be older...might be past laying maybe? The RIR I can't really say...
Unless I missed it, you didn't say how long you have had them...but yes, it can take days, weeks or months for a hen added to a flock to settle down and get back to business.

The half a top beak sounds like she was debeaked, often done on commercial flocks to reduce pecking injuries in crowded spaces. They can usually survive just fine but might need a deeper dish of food as they can't pick things up with the tips of a normal beak but can scoop of up feed just fine with the intact lower beak.

The smaller 'extra' egg could be from one of your pullets or could be from one of the older birds. They can sometimes lay two eggs in one day, the second often being not quite lighter in color because the spray coating machine was out of paint as it came of glitches in the egg laying machine that we're not used to seeing if only buying egg from the grocery store, most of them just happen once in a while and not cause for concern.

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