Two hens raising same chicks?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 12, 2007
I had one polish/cochin mix hen laying on eggs, which all turned out to be duds. That was a week ago, and I still can't get her to give up sitting on a nest. I've kicked her out of the coop (to range), but she always just nestles down and nests somewhere else. I know I should separate her completely and put her in a bedding-free area where she can't nest at all, but I don't have anything like that right now.

At the same time, I had her sister nesting on 5 eggs, 3 of which hatched. The chicks are about 5 days old and in a fenced-off area of the coop with their mother.

Today, the chick-less hen heard the chicks (well-taken care of by their mother, her sister) and clucked back and forth at the door to the chick's area. She was bordering on hysteria, asking to be let in.

So, I let her in. She snuggled up to her sister (who didn't object in the least) and then chicks dove under both/either of them. The two sisters are snuggled in side by side, so are the chicks. No fights, and everyone seems happy.

Did I do okay? It's the only way I have found to keep the chick-less hen happy. Where she is, she can reach the feeder, and she's now eating (she's very thin) while snuggled by her sister.
I had 2 hens raise one batch of chicks once. They were all very happy and healthy, so I don't see that there's any problem with it. My guess is that it is probably common for chicks to be raised by multiple hens in a wild flock.

Good luck with your babies.

If the Real mama has no objections and the chicks do not care...I see no problem with it. I think it is sweet.
I am trying to get pics of them, but the rooster isn't very happy with me, and I'm scared for my life!
I don't have two hens raising chicks yet, but I have two hens sitting on the same eggs. They have been at it for almost 1 1/2 weeks the chicks are due on the 20th They are both speckled sussez hens they went broodie last year as well but a snake got into the copp and got the eggs. so far so good this year.
Is that the protective daddy looking after his babies?

That's a really cute story. We had two broodies at the same time, and one hatched out chicks whilst the other one didn't have any fertile eggs, and she kept trying to steal the chicks of the other hen bless her
He *is* very protective of EVERYTHING in the coop - not just the chicks. He is very vicious to anyone that gets near. Honestly, we go in with a shield (tote lid) to protect ourselves, then have to block him out of the coop while we're changing food/water!!!
I read somewhere how to deal with an over protective rooster. It boiled down to grabbing the rooster and toteing him around and showing who the boss really was.

Wish I could find the link. :|
My grandmother has a RIR roo that was like that..he got her a couple of times...well she went inside the run and he charged and she shot him in the face with water from the hose....he stopped messing with people after that. LOL

I think it was the combination that he was caught off guard and got wet in the process.

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