Two incubation questions:


9 Years
Feb 16, 2010
NE Ohio
1. How do I know if an embryo has died? I have an egg that has a lot of blood in it. It looks different than the other 15 that are in the incubator. I'm pretty sure it's dead but with my luck, if I toss it, that'll be the only one that's actually alive.

2. When I go into lockdown, can I put each egg in a coffee filter? It would be similar to using paper towels but the coffee filters has sides that would stay a little more upright. Has anyone tried this?

cut an egg carton into individual cups - they work wonderfully. Also, if it LOOKS like a big blob of blood and the air cell is nice and big - it is a chick - do not toss it.
It doesn't really look like a big blob of blood. It's more like there are two distinct lines all the way around the egg that are blood.
I don't see veining, just these weird blood lines.
I wish I knew how to use my camera well enough to be able to take a picture of it.

How does a chick hatch if it's in an egg carton? Don't they need room to move around?
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It sounds like a blood ring. A freind of mine at work described what to look for as she has hatched several batches. If thats what you see, its no good.

So far in my chick . From day 5 you should see nice spider looking veins.....I candle mine at 5 days, 12 days, and the day before lockdown. If you just seen circles of blood and no veins going to the dark spot it's a quitter. SORRY

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