Two sick chicks

K Dahlia

In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2018
i have four 14 days old baby chicks. They were all fine and growing but two days ago one of them stopped eating and separated from the others. When i checked her out her crop was very hard and protruding. I read about impacted crop and that olive oil and a little massage could help and it did. Her crop is not hard anymore and i saw her drinking but she is not eating. Tried giving her hard boiled egg yolk mixed with apple sauce but she is not touching it. What should i do to get her eating again. She is a buff brahma.

My other chick, a welsumer was always the bully of the four. She came out first when heard me coming and always ran around the feeder and tried to get the food almost out of the others beak but today i saw her eating while sitting down and when i tried to get her she stood up walked two steps and went down sitting again. I checked her out and i don't see her legs broken. She can stand up just for very short time and can only take a few steps and has to sit down. Does anyone have any idea what could have happened to her?

Any help will be appreciated! is probably sick. Use nutri drench for extra nutrients. Pick her up and place her next to a small feeder and waterer which are close together so she can eat and drink just by stretching her neck. I don't know what is wrong with her legs. Maybe she is just weak. Definitely, take extra care of her. Here is an Amazon link for Nutri Drench. Also check for pasty butt. She will back up and die. Check her but and if there is dried up poop on it, wipe it off with a towel and warm water. Hope this helps! is probably sick. Use nutri drench for extra nutrients. Pick her up and place her next to a small feeder and waterer which are close together so she can eat and drink just by stretching her neck. I don't know what is wrong with her legs. Maybe she is just weak. Definitely, take extra care of her. Here is an Amazon link for Nutri Drench. Also check for pasty butt. She will back up and die. Check her but and if there is dried up poop on it, wipe it off with a towel and warm water. Hope this helps!

Thank you so much for your reply. I am putting elektrolyte in their water. Is the Nutri Drench different then that?
I checked her and she doesn't have pasty butt.
I am happy to update the post with good news. Both of my chicks recovered and so far eating and drinking with the others. I also got two 1day old White Wyandottes and let them be all together. I was watching them for two days to make sure they adjust well and it looks like the older ones accepted them. I will get another four next week. The feed store getting a big batch for Easter and they will get some breads I was waiting for. The Blue laced Wyandotts, Arucanas, Buff Orpingtons and maybe Delawares. Fingers crossd for the last one. So I will have 10 chickes all together. We will see how many will turn out to be a rooster. I am really hoping I will end up at least 6-8 hens.

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