Two Young Thanksgiving Turkeys!

kaylee gee

9 Years
Jul 5, 2012
I am having no luck finding any turkeys for sale here. I do not want to get a frozen one. Please, if you live near my area and have any turkeys around 6 months old or so, please let me know. Thanks!
If you have a Facebook page, you can post this question on the Covington, LA Monthly Chicken Sale page or the Southern Louisiana Poultry Breeders Association, or the Mississippi Gulf Coast Farms pages. Also, check a web page called Local They have listings from local farmers, including poultry farmers.

I know a couple people on the Covington page had some spare turkeys this past week: midget white and bourben red if I recall. I had some offered on these pages earlier this year, but due to a bobcat and turkeys that won't stay on the right side of the fence, I am down to just the amount of birds I need for breeding this coming season.

Also, KuntryGirl is in Opelousas, which I know is a bit of a haul, but she does have a bunch of bourbon reds.

Good luck!
If you have a Facebook page, you can post this question on the Covington, LA Monthly Chicken Sale page or the Southern Louisiana Poultry Breeders Association, or the Mississippi Gulf Coast Farms pages. Also, check a web page called Local They have listings from local farmers, including poultry farmers.

I know a couple people on the Covington page had some spare turkeys this past week: midget white and bourben red if I recall. I had some offered on these pages earlier this year, but due to a bobcat and turkeys that won't stay on the right side of the fence, I am down to just the amount of birds I need for breeding this coming season.

Also, KuntryGirl is in Opelousas, which I know is a bit of a haul, but she does have a bunch of bourbon reds.

Good luck!

thanks for the info! ill check out those pages! the only ones ive found so far are $30 each, is that about normal pricing?

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