"Ugliest" chicken contest

love your naked chicken
OMG! Those are really gross... and I really want one.

Banjoe, will you ever ship eggs? I may have to risk the wrath of DH and buy a bator.
This is Napolean. He is truly and ugly chicken:p He is not only ugly on the outside but also on the inside:hit he is a complete jerk and is very rude, he is the only chicken i have that has alienated himself from everyone else and his only friend is me when i can tolerate his antics. But oddly enough i still love him!

is he a single combed silkie?

Yes I got him from cackel hatchary I call them about it and they wanted a few pics of him. I was told that he was a silkie. He is one out of 8 males Last aug order 10 silkies and got 8 males 2 Females I was told oh well not my problem I asked them for a credit and they did but I have used it by the end of the week

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