Uh-Oh too many eggs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 4, 2009
Okay, I am new to incubating eggs and this is my second time doing so. I went to meet a man today who was going to give me 1 dozen eggs. I know I have enough room for these in my incubator, the problem is, when I got their he gathered up 3 1/2 dozen eggs! I do not have enough room in my incubator! I don't want to eat them because I really want these chicks but I have 22 maran eggs that will not fit! I have a friend who has a huge incubator and she might incubate them for me but the problem is I can't meet her before Wednesday. What should I do? Is their anything I can do for the eggs? Like putting heating lamps near them? Thank you so much.
It's xmas time the season of giving!!!! share the wealth!!!
If your eggs are fresh, put them in cartons at ROOM TEMPERATURE. Place a fat book under one end of each carton. Every 4 - 8 hours, switch the book to the other end. They won't start to develop until they are in the incubator. They can hold up to about a week or a little more at room temp before you start to lose fertility/development.

Don't panic! DON'T EAT THEM!

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