Nope, I was reading it in my room, and in the living room... but then I put it down on something somewhere...

did you look under the bed? between the coushions on the sofa? chair?

Yep, yep, yep. Maybe my brother took it (why, I don't know, he only reads adventure novels and this is about a saint)

I was looking for my debt card the other day at the Pharmacy. I couldn't find for any good reason. I knew that it had to be in my purse, yet there was no way it was going to show up. The only good thing that came from it, it that when I got home I cleaned out my purse thoroughly. Of course the card was in my purse safe and sound. I just wish that it wouldn't be so safe from me some days.

I can't even blame other people, because I live alone most of the week. When DH is home, he does sometimes "put" things away. But I know that he "puts" he stuff away also and he often can't find it again either.

I couldn't keep track of a PDA if it meant my life. I am fairly certain that after the first day it would just play hide-n-seek with me too.
You can do a few things to help you.
1- Set an alarm either on your cell phone or wrist watch for the time you usually go put the chickens in for the night.
2- have a friend call you OR you call them at a certain time in the early evening/late afternoon.
YOu can then have them remind you to check on the chickens.

My barn owner does this as she now lives alone and is 77 yrs old. She calls a neighbor every evening to let them know she is ok.
A very good friend AND her daughter call her every morning and they talk while she is getting her breakfast and letting the dogs out.

I sure hope this helps. I have a friend with memory issues. I am his appt'd representative and my DH and I are his and another friend's advocates.


I have short term memory problems from a severe concussion years ago. Setting timers do not work, because I will leave the house and go do whatever. I have come back with my house full of smoke (didn't eat beans that night!) more than once.
I constantly leave the sprinkler on (think I'd better take up growing rice instead of 'maters) overnight or longer. It is a real problem with no easy solution. Even if I am around when the timer goes off, I frequently have forgotten what I set it for!!
It is really frustrating not only for me but for the people around me who knew me before the accident and don't seem to be able to grasp I'm not who I was before. It does make life interesting.

I solved the garden hose problem. They make timers that attach between the faucet and hose. The simple ones work, and aren't very expensive. That way the gets get when the water turns on, and the timer will shut the water off by it's self. The saving in water have more than paid for the timer. Of course I am in town and pay for the water coming in and going out. So if I use the water the city assumes that I am flushing into the sewer, rather than watering the plants.
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It's good to know that someone will come and look for my body sooner or later.

Provided I don't forget!
I'll just be thinking, "You know, there's somebody I really should check on. Now who was it...?" Actually, Beckah would remind me.

So yesterday I didn't remember about some homework I had. My teacher buys milk from us. "So Evelyn, have you read that story yet?"

It would help if Becka lived closer all the time. I'm thinking that I would smell really bad by the time she gets back here.
Provided I don't forget!
I'll just be thinking, "You know, there's somebody I really should check on. Now who was it...?" Actually, Beckah would remind me.

So yesterday I didn't remember about some homework I had. My teacher buys milk from us. "So Evelyn, have you read that story yet?"

It would help if Becka lived closer all the time. I'm thinking that I would smell really bad by the time she gets back here.

I know I'm going to be sorry but where is Enumclaw?
Provided I don't forget!
I'll just be thinking, "You know, there's somebody I really should check on. Now who was it...?" Actually, Beckah would remind me.

So yesterday I didn't remember about some homework I had. My teacher buys milk from us. "So Evelyn, have you read that story yet?"

It would help if Becka lived closer all the time. I'm thinking that I would smell really bad by the time she gets back here.

The question is, would you then have been driven so insane that you were glad to die?
It would help if Becka lived closer all the time. I'm thinking that I would smell really bad by the time she gets back here.

I know I'm going to be sorry but where is Enumclaw?

Enumclaw is about 50 miles Southeast of Seattle. It is the last town of any size before you go up to the North side of Mount Rainier. The town's name is from a Muckleshoot Indian word the means according the Cities web site "thundering noise" or I have also heard that it might mean "evil winds". The Hill a mile east of town last erupted in Jan of 1899. So it could be that is why the First Nations People named the area "thundering noise", or It could be about the winds. The town had winds of up to 120 mile per hour in December of 1982. We can get sustained winds from the east anytime of the year. It just takes a low front on the west side of the cascades and a high front on the east side. The winds then will funnel through gaps in the mountains, and Enumclaw is right in the path of one of those gaps. It's fun to watch the roofs blow off sometimes.

So today you got an extra lesson in geography.

I just love to homeschool kids and adults.

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