um, what? Processing question


Chicken Ambassador
10 Years
Jan 26, 2009
Bagshot Row
Husband sent birdies to Freezer camp last week, including Eugene the wonky duck.

Husband left about 10% of Eugene's feathers on.

I'm brining him now...but is there something simple I can do with Eugene to deal with his hairy problem?

We don't plan on eating the skin...
What's the easiest way to do that?

I've never worked with a duck and this one's skin seemed rather adhered to the carcass.

At which end does one start?

(sorry to sound like an idiot...but this is all new to me)
First I scald for about a minute at 150 degrees F, or when the large wing or tail feathers easily pull out. Then after a good rough plucking I dip the bird in duck wax and peel off the remaining feathers. If necessary I will use a pinning knife.

I also try to slaughter around 7, 12.5 and 18 weeks of age to avoid pin feathers.
We roast first and then skin when we have a pinfeather problem. We actually cooked one in the crock pot yesterday. He had LOADS of pinfeathers. The we left his skin on, the crock pot cooked him well and we got the benefit of the skin with all the juices being kept in and then I just sliced down his breast and we peeled his skin off like a jacket, leaving a skinless intacked carcase. I personally think if you arent goin got eat the skin, which I dont really like to, the crock pot is the way to go.

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