I have to admit that I never actually realised that there was a place for unanswered posts, so after reading yours I went and took a look. It seems like the unanswered ones aren't so much questions and requests for help as they are offers of things to trade or sell. It might be that people are reading, but if not interested in buying or selling there would be nothing to respond.
But, from now on I'll try to remember to stop in at this section now and then, just in case.
I often go to the un-answered posts, I only go three pages back, but there are so many for sale posts it gets a little frustrating.

There are probably others that do the same.
That's not true! I check the unanswered posts everytime I come on BYC. I don't always have something to write on all of them, but do what I can.
I click on "unanswered posts" often, or go to "Emergencies/...." and find posts that don't have any answers. I try to help when I can but I too am learning every day!
On the forums where I know I can help, I make it a point to answer the unanswered ones as often as possible. Even if I don't know, at least acknowledging that gets it back to the top.
You all make me so proud !!! I too only look at the first few pages...most of them are BST , but it never hurts to see who might have been left behind....sorry I was so grumpy last night...didn't mean to be !
Well count me as newly informed and on board...I had no idea there even was an unanswered posts link. You learn something new every day!


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