Unhatched eggs...how long to wait??? PICS added


11 Years
Nov 9, 2008
Central Oklahoma
Hello, I am new to this sight. I've actually been reading here for about a month and have learned an awful lot! Thank you all for so much info. I had Serama eggs setting(my first with my new incubator), and I got 5 out of 7 to hatch. There were more eggs but not fertile or quit developing, so I discarded them. I had read somewhere on here that they should hatch within 19 days(instead of the 21)because they are smaller. They actually hatched at day 21, five adorable little fuzzies hatched Xmas eve day. I've got two eggs left, developed with a good air sack. How long should I wait to dispose of them, 1 or 2 days, or possibly 3?? Thanks for any help.
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usually 25 is the trend here on the sight....


Congrats on the babies you got
Thanks a bunch. They're so tiny. I would have had more but about 10 days in I bumped the bator(really hard) and some that had been developing quit. Was an accident but it costs me possibly 7 more babies. Hard lesson to learn....
Thanks! I am so grateful for these 5 babies. I had 10 shipped eggs and 7 from my own pair. My own eggs had sat for about 2 weeks and were gathered in extremely chilly weather, plus I didn't know to turn them while I waited to incubate them. All but one of the shipped eggs was fertile and developed, 5 of my original 7 were fertile and developed....until I hit the bator and jarred them all to eternity on day 10. All but 7 quit developing at that point. So I got 5 out of 7 eggs that were left. I do not have a hygrometer but kept the rings in the bottom about half full of water(I have a styrafoam still air) and kept the temp at 101F. Am going to set some more in the bator today or tomorrow. More Serama and some Golden Seabrights. Does anyone know if their hatching time is roughly the same or not? My Serama's hatched on day 21.

Congratulations on your babies! I have 7 little serama's in my brooder right now, and I just love them. They are such characters!

From your photo I can't tell, are you grinding up their food? The crumbles look pretty big to me.

We were told to grind the food in an old coffee grinder because they can choke on regular crumbles.

Just thought I'd pass on the information!

Hello Deb,

Thank you for asking, yes, I am using a coffee grinder but it leaves some of the peices larger. It seems to make powder if I try to grind until they are all small peices. Will they eat the powder? Maybe I should just put less in the grinder, that would probably yeild more consistently smaller peices. Any other helpful hints/advise would be greatly appreciated. We did quail when I was young so I know to be careful with the water or they'll drown but that is about the extent of it. All I know about Serama chicks is that they are very tiny and just the cutest things I've ever seen!!
If I put my hand in there they either try to climb in it or snuggle under it. So sweet.
I'm Chrisine by the way, nice to meet you.
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