Unhatched eggs


In the Brooder
Mar 19, 2021
I have 19 eggs in my incubator, when I went into lockdown all 19 had moving chicks inside. It's now about day 23 or 24, we had a small mix up with our dates so we arent 100% sure how long we've been incubating for. So far three active and loud babies have hatched for us, but none of the others seem to have started pipping. Our humidity has been steadily in the 65 range and our temperature has been 37-38 degrees Celsius. For the first 18 days the temperature was a little lower at around 36.7, but everybody seemed to be developing on schedule before I realized the temp was a bit too low, this is my first time incubating eggs. But I corrected the temp and the next day the three chicks began to hatch, but after them no one else has started to pip. I'm wondering if I should be concerned? If none have started hatching by tomorrow should I candle them to see if there are any moving chicks or should i just let them be for a little bit longer? The most recent chick just hatched this afternoon.
I have 19 eggs in my incubator, when I went into lockdown all 19 had moving chicks inside. It's now about day 23 or 24, we had a small mix up with our dates so we arent 100% sure how long we've been incubating for. So far three active and loud babies have hatched for us, but none of the others seem to have started pipping. Our humidity has been steadily in the 65 range and our temperature has been 37-38 degrees Celsius. For the first 18 days the temperature was a little lower at around 36.7, but everybody seemed to be developing on schedule before I realized the temp was a bit too low, this is my first time incubating eggs. But I corrected the temp and the next day the three chicks began to hatch, but after them no one else has started to pip. I'm wondering if I should be concerned? If none have started hatching by tomorrow should I candle them to see if there are any moving chicks or should i just let them be for a little bit longer? The most recent chick just hatched this afternoon.
that is strange, are you sure your thermostat is working?

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