Unidentified songbird- Can't fly! help!


Sep 1, 2018
I found a songbird (I don't know the breed) hopping around near my horses, trying to bury itself under various rocks, woodchips, under the barn wall, etc. at first I didn't think much of it, but I noticed it would hop up, flap its wings, then fall over. I walked closer, expecting it to fly, but it just sat there looking up at me. He flapped when I picked him up (with gloves) but then I set him down and he did it again. flapped, fell, tried again. I looked him over, and he seemed ok, other than his extreme friendliness which is weird for a wild animal. I'm afraid one of my horses stepped on him. he's missing some tail feathers, and he has a bald spot on his lower back. I know he's wild, but I try to save the animals I can. I have him inside a small box outside, to see if he'll fly out. what should I do?


I wonder if it's a fledgling that isn't fully able to fly yet...it's that time of year. Thank you for rescuing it before a cat or another predator got to it. You could offer water, with Nutri-Drench or a similar supplement, if you have some.

Are there any wildlife rehab facilities near you that will take a possibly injured songbird? I've taken several to a vet's office in my area that does rehab (they're far better equipped to diagnose and treat songbirds than I).
I concur about the wildlife rehab. There is probably a wildlife rehabilitator in your area that will take it. We've taken several injured birds and several babies that blew out of a nest (too high in a treetop to reach) during a storm. All have been successfully cared for and released at the appropriate time. -might do a quick online search to locate a wildlife rehab individual. Sometimes a local animal shelter will take them and transfer to the proper wildlife rehab facility. (Ours does this)
Looks like a juvenile, by the length of the wings, and that yellow at the back of the beak (though I can't blow up your pictures to get a closer look). He looks just about the right age to have been branch-hopping. If so, the parents are probably around there somewhere. I'd find a branch and perch him there, then watch with binoculars. If nothing comes within a few hours, then contact a rehabber.
We don't have a rehab place in our area, and I doubt a vet would take a wild bird. We did have a storm last night so i can imagine that may have caused it too. I'll keep her outside and see if a mother shows up.

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