Uniontown (PA) Poultry Assn. Spring Show 4/17/11


11 Years
Mar 18, 2011
Hey Guys! The Uniontown Poultry Association is holding our Spring Show on Sunday, April 17, 2011 at the Fayette County (PA) Fairgrounds, in Dunbar, PA, off US 119, north of Uniontown. This is an ABA/APA double show, and will run from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The show catalog and entry info is available on our website uniontownpoultry.com. We will also be having a buy-sell-trade on the same day as the show, and ours is one of the bigger BST's in the area. We will also be having prize drawings, and a Chinese auction. We have a concession stand, and there is always plenty of free parking. Entry only $2 per vehicle. Fun for the whole family & well worth the drive! Hope to see you there.
I wish we could make it. But we are interested in some of the swap meets you have in the summer. How big are they? Is it mostly chickens, or a little bit of everything? We are considering taking the 4H club from Lebanon County out there for camping, then going to the swap meet.
Sorry I couldnt make the swap in March. I heard the sales area was overflowing with everything imagineable and that sales were terrific. I will be there for the show and swap in April. Will be bringing a truckload.
Unfortunately, I missed both the spring and fall show last year but I did manage to get to one of the swaps. I could not believe how many breeders were there and every type of poultry one could imagine! I was so thrilled to pull in and see the endless rows of traffic. The butterflies really did flutter when I pulled in
I would say that it was just a tid bit of what would be in the sales area during a show. I bought a trio of sebastapol geese there for $40. They were almost full grown! Prices were good but stuff was selling fast. Lots of people and lots of birds equals a great time. I won't miss it this year
I am planning on going to this show. It will be the first show I enter my birds into (GULP)! Anyone else going??
We are considering making this our first trip to a poultry show. We would have to drive a few hours and was wondering if this show is worth the trip??? This is the last weekend we have before farmers market season starts up and we want to get out and do something fun!

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