Unique Introduction... Need advice


9 Years
Feb 11, 2010
North Tustin, CA
Hello, I hatched 3 silkie chicks. I got their shells DNA sex tested and two of them were Roos.They turned 9 weeks this week and one started crowing. Because my city doesn't allow roos, I had to find home for them and another hen (guaranteed to be female, so I wouldn't have to go through another rehoming) I found a wonderful BYC'er that took my two silkie roos and I was able to get one of her broody year old silkies. Now... How do I introduce them???

When we had them first initially meet outside of the coop/run at dusk (in the yard) they were being nice to one another... As my pullet wandered into the run to the food/water... The hen followed. Shortly after the hen started pecking my pullets head (no blood) So I moved the pullet to the brooder box and the hen to the coop. It's now totally dark and the hen is sleepy/calm. I put the chick in the dark coop with the hen and it is sleeping. I will continue to check on it throughout the night.

I have since put separate feeders/waterers on opposite sides of the run. What should I expect in the morning? What is acceptable pecking and when should I intervene? My plan b is for the chick to go in a crate inside the run if they are fighting in the morning.

Thoughts??? Any input would be appreciated. :)
I would separate the run in the middle, with a short fence or piece of chicken wire for a couple weeks so they get acquainted and can't pick at eachother.
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Morning update: the chick was on the bottom (in run) and the hen was on top (in coop) when I woke up at 6:30... She started squawking at 8:00 and went to see what was the matter. I showed her where the ramp was and she went down into the run. She kept following the chick around to peck at her. The chick would run away, but eventually the hen would be by her again and would peck her. I couldn't take it anymore, so I put the chick in a crate next to the run. They can see each other. Should i be allowing the pecking? i cant be out there to watch them all day and if it gets bad, I wont be there to catch it when it is starting. What should I do about tonight? Any suggestions?
I was having the same problem. Chasing and pecking HARD! I couldn't take it either and separated them.
So it's a year old hen and a 9 week old chick? I think they just need to be separated longer, until the baby stops cheeping. 4 months is a good age to introduce chicks to adults, they're all about the same size.

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