United Nations' "RIght to Food"

I'm foreseeing a locked thread in the near future.

Politics is no more completely corrupt than any one particular political philosophy is always and completely correct or incorrect. Blanket statements are often why people start arguing rather than debating.

I, too am not overly fond of hte UN, and also strongly believe in local control versus control by a body far removed from whatever the local conditions may be. I do not believe that free enterprise and corporations are any more bad or evil than that all mom-and-pop endeavors are good.
Yes, later I thought I should clarify this. I do not mean all politics is all corrupt. What I meant to say is there is that there is at least some corruption in all politics. That is to be expected. Politics is about power, and you know what they say about power corrupting...
My mom would get angry about people who talked bad about a breast feeding mama in public but let a woman let her bosoms show for any other reason, and that was FINE.

I was actually told to leave a Wal-Mart because I was nursing my daughter in the "store" rather than the little booth tucked in the back for nursing mothers. When I took her off my breast and my daughter began wailing, they said I could keep nursing. The World Health Organization recommends a woman nurse a child for two years though most women I know who nurse do so for only 6-10 weeks. I nursed for a year. It's amazing at how far we have gotten from "how things used to be." The USA is weird in the respect that most women don't nurse and most city people would panic if they had to live next to a chicken or a cow. I know I've mentioned this before, but my great-grandmother from Poland didn't trust "store food" and would drive out to neighboring farms to buy shoats and turkeys, keep them in the backyard until her husband could butcher them and use every part. This was in Detroit from the 1910s-1940s.

I work in an elementary school library and I've skimmed through the American Girls "Happy Birthday, Kit" where Kit and her friend get chickens to keep and to sell the eggs (they live in Cincinnati, OH). Even just a generation or two ago, people weren't quite as germphobic and farm phobic as they seem to be now
I live in an equestrian neighborhood, and there are a LOT of chickens here. However, as a whole, Phoenix is pretty much city. But I find that people who know or discover that I have chickens are always facinated, not repelled by it--and that is even before they see my frou-frou silkies.
Just curious if you have ever watched Food, Inc. ? If everyone were to watch this disturbing video, perhaps backyard chickens wouldn't even be an issue!!!! Heck, townships might start promoting urban pigs!!!! Check it out...this is what people should/need to know!! People don't want to know the truth about where their food comes from, but it should be required!
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

Hopefully Agriculture will heed the comments made at the American Farm Bureau convention this week and provide a voice against the zealotry espoused in the radical documentaries like Food Inc and King Corn.



I take it you farm on a large scale Jim? We farm small scale and farm in an enironmentally friendly manner, i.e. - no herbicides, no pesticides, all natural and organic farming and practice good animal husbandry. (not saying that you don't, as I don't know you). My point with the Food, Inc. video is that this large scale feed lot farming is not healthy to the animals or humans. It is discusting as well as disturbing, even if some of it is exaggerated a bit. We need to, as farmers, provide healthy food for people and in doing so, be environmentally conscious and act as good stewards of the land and water while treating our animals humanely. Food awareness is something that more people need. Our countries food habits have made "us" incredibly unhealthy and overweight. This is disturbing to me.​

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