unknown illnesses and keeping the flock safe (not urgent)


Jun 6, 2020
I apologize if this isn't in the right place for this, didn't want to post this in the emergencies board because it isn't urgent or currently afflicting a bird.

Last week one of my chickens passed away. This is my first time owning chickens, and I only had 4. Here's the thread that I posted with more details about what was going on (before I lost her): link

To summarize: 16 week old pullet was acting lethargic, seemed to perk up once I took her out of the heat, then took a nosedive with bad neurological symptoms including convulsions and head tremors. She was taken to the vet when I first started noticing the neurological signs, they did an x-ray which showed an enlarged liver. She died that night, seems to have had a seizure and passed.

I ended up having her sent to A&M's diagnostic lab to get as much info as possible as to why she died. That was last week, the results will probably come back in later this week.

The other birds are acting normal. I check them every day and haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary, but I don't know what I'd do if I lost my entire first flock.

I guess this is another "I need moral support" thread and maybe hear from others as to what might have happened while I wait for A&M. I'm so scared I'm going to lose my remaining 3 birds... the vet mentioned Mareks as a possibility, but all of the birds were supposedly vaccinated. I know nothing is 100% and it could have been done incorrectly.

Dr. Google has not been kind, it seems like a large number of dangerous issues can cause enlarged livers + the other symptoms she had. Lymphoid leukosis seems especially scary and contagious :(
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It's hard to wait.
As long as the other birds seem fine just try to relax until you get the necropsy results.
Have had some leukosis here, lost 2 birds several years ago, to it but the others are fine.
Oh geez, they actually called today. Thankfully, it would have been terrible waiting until the end of the week.

Its good news big picture. They don't think its anything viral like mareks, leukosis, etc.

It was a bacterial infection, but a really bad one. She was in multiple organ failure when she died. They recommended I heavily sanitize the coop and just keep an eye on the other birds.

I'm sure there are things I'm doing wrong and things I could have done to prevent this.

@aart If I posted some picture of my setup, would you be able to give advice? I know you're very knowledgeable.
@aart If I posted some picture of my setup, would you be able to give advice? I know you're very knowledgeable.
Start a new thread here
It was a bacterial infection, but a really bad one. She was in multiple organ failure when she died. They recommended I heavily sanitize the coop and just keep an eye on the other birds.

I'm sure there are things I'm doing wrong and things I could have done to prevent this.

@aart If I posted some picture of my setup, would you be able to give advice? I know you're very knowledgeable.
Without knowing what bacteria, assessing if it's a management issue is hard if not impossible.
My first questions would be, where did you get the birds and how long have you had them?
Start a new thread here

Without knowing what bacteria, assessing if it's a management issue is hard if not impossible.
My first questions would be, where did you get the birds and how long have you had them?

I'll make a new thread. I purchased the birds from a local farm. I don't know what the term for it is but they buy chicks from larger hatcheries and sell the pullets once they can live outside on their own. They were all between 2-3 months old and I've had them since June 4th (so I guess about 6 weeks).

I wish they had told me what the bacteria was. I guess that would have required additional testing, which they didn't really offer so I didn't think to ask.
I'll make a new thread. I purchased the birds from a local farm. I don't know what the term for it is but they buy chicks from larger hatcheries and sell the pullets once they can live outside on their own. They were all between 2-3 months old and I've had them since June 4th (so I guess about 6 weeks).

I wish they had told me what the bacteria was. I guess that would have required additional testing, which they didn't really offer so I didn't think to ask.
Meant to erase the "start new thread here"..
I'd bet your bacteria came from the farm....hopefully your other birds don't also succumb.
Meant to erase the "start new thread here"..
I'd bet your bacteria came from the farm....hopefully your other birds don't also succumb.

Oh no, I hope not... or at least I hope if it did originate there, the other birds aren't as bad off. I guess that's not up for me to decide.

I'll go ahead and post a new thread. Already started it anyway :confused:

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