Unlucky snake


6 Years
Apr 11, 2013
We moved into our home about a month ago and on weekends have been building new pens for the chooks and ducks as their existing digs are not totally secure.

Last night we heard one of the pekins quacking and discovered a large carpet python wrapped around her. I freaked out a bit; this type of snake is not poisonous but unless relocated a fair distance could come back for the other chooks and ducks, and if we copped a bite there's a high liklihood of it becoming infected. We managed to relocate the snake (it's illegal to kill snakes where we live). I went out to check on them every half hour and the mussy drake was keeping guard, he's a good boy!

The duck seems fine this morning and we're fast-tracking their move into a new pen this arvo. I guess this is part of the joy of owning fowl right? :D
Wow good catch by the Drake! Love it..glad to hear your girl is doing better and I would move them into their new digs right away too. Gosh we don't have to deal with snakes here but your were nice not to kill it for going after your flock. Best to you and yours.

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