unpopular chicken opinions??

I dunno. I feel it's really stereotypical of people to think that seramas are these mean little birds that don't like people and that'll peck at ya for no reason.
Here’s a mean lil bird who doan like peepul and def will swipe ya fur no reason :smack:hitDisclaimer: not a bird:gig
Unpopular Opinion: I love the sound of crowing.

I have often wondered if the sound of crowing is what actually made chickens popular in Europe. Supposedly the Romans brought them when they conquered Europe, but jungle fowl in Northern Europe? Without heat lamps? Really?

But the Romans brought Christianity to Europe, too, or at least it travelled there with the Romans. I can imagine how, every year, just before Easter, the churches preached about the conversation between Jesus and Peter on the subject of the cock crowing. That's every year, in the spring, when a person's fancy naturally turns to...acquiring chickens!

This is chicken math, on a massive scale!

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