unpopular chicken opinions??

Unpopular opinion: turkeys are not friendly and dog-like. They are obsessive and if they were not clumsy as hell, many more would have serious problems keeping them.

I'm not not keeping them, but I recognize my tom's sneaker dance for what it is: he wants to either seduce or stomp that sneaker and apparently he thinks about nothing else.
I've had good toms and bad toms. I've learned to not let children bend down around then in spring (absolutely terrifilying to have a ton try to mount you)
Some (many) of the people on the various FB groups are freaking NUTTIER than a fruitcake! Just like the ones that complaining about their turkeys attacking them. When someone recommends freezer camp, they say" but he is a pet". I don't kow about YOU, but I do NO allow my pets to attack me. I don't take that crap from horses or cattle,(And that includes stallions and bulls.) I am NO taking it from a BIRD! Course I treat my birds like BIRDS and not dogs with feathers!
Honestly I wouldn't put up with that behavior from a dog either. The difference being dogs aren't generally ok to eat around here (nor would I really want to, honestly...feelings aside carnivores do not a tasty meat make).
Y'all think I have a boring life, don't ya?

I've sang the Huggies Pull-ups song to my girls before when they were finally hens. "You're a big girl now!"
Unpopular opinion. Roosters are basically living decorations. I can't stand when people say to just build a batchlor flock instead of culling extras. That's a waste of space and feed unless there are legit reasons to keep them (even if it's just you like them personally. That's better than doing it because you don't feel like culling them)
Unpopular opinion: quail are NOT free-range animals (when I say free-range I mean outside at night without a hut, even in a pen) I let my quail free roam completely (out of the pen in the shed I keep them in) once and he was fine with it until it got dark and he didn't like it at all, quail like being in a secure environment to sleep in. When people hear that quail don't sleep in a nesting box that doesn't mean they'll just plop down right in the open. Even the birds that I keep in the pen (which is pretty big,) either sleep in their cardboard box house or in the corners of the pen because they feel more secure.

(sorry if what I type is unclear, I have a hard time explaining myself sometimes lol)

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